张艺谋执导的《悬崖之上》(主演:张译、于和伟、秦海璐等)确认代表中国内地竞逐第 94 届奥斯卡最佳国际影片奖。
《悬崖之上》于今年 4 月 30 日上映,讲述上世纪 30 年代,四位曾在苏联接受特训的***特工组成任务小队,回国执行代号为 " 乌特拉 " 的秘密行动。由于叛徒的出卖,他们从跳伞降落的第一刻起,就已置身于敌人布下的罗网之中,立于 " 悬崖之上 " 的行动小组面临严峻考验的故事。
FIFA president Gianni Infantino confirmed the 2022 Qatar World Cup will take place from November 21 to December 18, which will be the first-ever winter tournament in the northern hemisphere.
Infantino said FIFA decided on the date to ***oid the extreme heat of Qatar in summer, which sees temperatures hit 40 C on a regular basis.
FIFA has scheduled the event for the end of the year despite sche***ng conflicts for league clubs. FIFA expects domestic leagues will be able to adjust their schedules to accommodate the global event.
Date of Qatar 2022 World Cup Final Confirmed
ZURICH - The final match of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar will be played on Dec 18, the country's national holiday.
FIFA spoke***an Walter De Gregorio confirmed the date Thursday, but did not say when the tournament would start.
The governing body's executive committee prefers a 28-day tournament - starting Nov 21 - but did not make a decision in the opening session of its two-day meeting.
De Gregorio said the executive committee could confirm the kickoff date on Friday.