1. 模拟旅游导游:模拟旅游导游介绍一座城市或一个景点,包括历史、文化、风景等方面的介绍。
2. 模拟***访:模拟***访名人或其他有趣的人物,包括提问和回答。
3. 模拟广告:模拟制作广告,介绍某种产品或服务,包括产品的特点和优势。
4. 模拟演讲:模拟演讲某个话题,例如环保、健康、教育等等。
5. 模拟对话:模拟两个人之间的对话,包括日常生活中的场景,例如购物、订餐、旅游等等。
6. 模拟辩论:模拟辩论某个话题,包括正反两方的观点和论据。
7. 模拟情景剧:模拟情景剧,表演某种情景,例如约会、求职、旅行等等。
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Recruitment Ad
Jack restausant,the largest multi-service company in China, specializes in catering, good accommodation services, facility management, etc. Due to its rapid development in Shanghai, now we are looking for talent with minimum 1 years experience in services management in the following areas: Catering Manager Aged 27 to 30. College graduate.Fluent English in both written and spoken communication. Self-motivated and service-oriented. Sales Administrator Bachelor degree majoring in English with good computer skills. Detailoriented and prior working experience as a translator will be advantageous. Business Development Manager Minimum 3 years' relevant experience preferably in service business.Proficient in English and computer operation. We provide you not only a job, but a career in Rose. Our address is 17Bridge street Fifth Arenue.We are always here honestly looking forward to your coming if you h***e enough interest. and please contact with our HR Manager Alan.Tel:12345678.